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    SEMISHARE and ERS signed the latest cooperation press release

    Data di pubblicazione:2018-09-05Fonte: SEMISHARE

    As early as this summer, Semishare SHCV - 12 announced the latest research and development of products, this is a kind of advanced semi-automatic 12 inches high and low temperature probe, using the ERS high accuracy high and low temperature Thermal AC3 Chuck the semi-automatic high and low temperature probe station into a great degree simplifies integration test, and provides a wafer automatic alignment and only 0.1 micron precision test temperature range controllable in 60 C to + 200 C, the temperature accuracy of + / - 0.1 C is this made in our country the first high-end 12-inch prober semiautomatic analysisIt has the high manufacturing quality and high performance German standards that our customers expect, and we are proud of our achievements in r&d and sharing in the international semiconductor industry.

    As early as this summer, Semishare SHCV - 12 announced the latest research and development of products, this is a kind of advanced semi-automatic 12 inches high and low temperature probe, using the ERS high accuracy high and low temperature Thermal AC3 Chuck the semi-automatic high and low temperature probe station into a great degree simplifies integration test, and provides a wafer automatic alignment and only 0.1 micron precision test temperature range controllable in 60 C to + 200 C, the temperature accuracy of + / - 0.1 C is this made in our country the first high-end 12-inch prober semiautomatic analysisIt has the high manufacturing quality and high performance German standards that our customers expect, and we are proud of our achievements in r&d and sharing in the international semiconductor industry.

    About ERS electronics co., LTD., is the high and low temperature management solutions for the market of semiconductor manufacturing industry leader, headquartered in Munich, has for innovative thermal test solutions industrial enterprise production nearly 50 years, the company won the excellent reputation in the industry, especially its rapid and accurate temperature control chuck system based on air cooling and test temperature controlled at - 65 - C to + 550 C, is applied to the analysis of related parameters and manufacturing test today, temperature control, chuck system developed by ERS as AC3, AirCool PRIME,AirCool and PowerSense are very important components in all the large wafer detectors across the semiconductor industry.

    The partnership between Semishare and ERS will open a new chapter in our Shared business in the international semiconductor industry.