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SEMISHARE was invited to participate in the 5th JiWei Semiconductor Summit

Release time:2021-07-01Source: semishare

From June 25 to June 26, the 5th Jiwei Semiconductor Summit was held in Haicang, Xiamen. The current Jiwei Summit attracted nearly 2,000 industry leaders and capital elites to participate. Jiwei Semiconductor Summit has become one of the most well-known and influential industry summits in China, and it is also a weather vane for the development of the domestic semiconductor industry.

As one of the world’s advanced wafer prober manufacturer, SEMISHARE was invited to participate in this summit.SEMISHARE’s CEO Alvin Liu was honored to be a guest speaker in the meeting.

Thanks for the invitation of JWSS and Truth Semi Group.The summit came to a successful ending, SEMISHARE congratulates China's semiconductor industry on the take-off.

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