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Test Solution

Ultra High Pressure Environment

1.1.1.Contexte technique

With the development of aerospace technology, some of the high reliability and high performance semiconductor devices, especially the core aerospace components, has become a measure of a country the important symbol of the levels of aerospace science and technology but because of China's integrated circuit industry foundation is weak, the semiconductor device mainly rely on import, not only the high cost of import channels without quality assurance, more there is great potential safety hazard, such as chip implanted trojans structure for this, must have their own research and development at the core of the device.

1.1.2.Needs And Challenges

In the chip development and manufacturing process, in order to ensure that the device can withstand the harsh environment such as cold black and hot vacuum magnetic particle photon radiation in space, it is necessary to create a high temperature and low temperature vacuum magnetic field, light particle irradiation and other environment for the device, and then let the device work in it to observe whether the electrical parameters of the device are normal under different environments.

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