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    Domestic scientific research equipment goes overseas, 12 years of independent research and innovation!

    Release time:2022-06-17Source: SEMISHARE

    Recently, SEMISHARE developed and produced CG-C-2 vacuum high and low temperature closed cycle probe table and H6 integrated probe station, have been shipped to Singapore, installed and debugged, and delivered to the School of Microelectronics of the National University of Singapore for use.


    SEMISHARE CG series vacuum high and low temperature probe station is mainly for the test and measurement equipment developed for educational and scientific research institutions, which can provide researchers with a test environment for ultra-high vacuum and high and low temperature conversion, with two ways of open cycle and closed cycle, and the use of closed cycle mode does not rely on the consumption of refrigerant to provide ultra-low temperature and high vacuum test environment. The main application areas are ultra-low temperature superconducting materials and device research, ultra-low temperature IV/CV characteristic testing of new material devices, Hall testing, electromagnetic transportation characteristics, and high-frequency characteristic testing.

    Vacuum high and low temperature probe table is an important part of the main test equipment in the field of materials and semiconductor scientific research. For a long time, due to the excessive segmentation of its application market and the high technical threshold, this type of equipment has been monopolized by foreign companies. SemiSHARE has successfully launched the vacuum high and low temperature probe table (CG series) independently developed in China through the accumulation of its own research and development results for many years of research and development, and the product has achieved good results in the domestic and foreign markets.

    So far, SEMISHARE's marketing network has been extended from China to the world and gradually formed an international market strategic layout, we have won the trust of many customers in Italy, Britain, Russia, Israel, Singapore and other countries, and established close cooperative relations with many well-known scientific research institutions around the world, and the industry influence is also expanding.

    SEMISHARE CG series high and low temperature vacuum probe stations

    • Its temperature range can reach: open cycle (77K (LN2)/4.5K (LHe)-770K), closed cycle (7.5K-450K) temperature stability is better than ±100mK, thermostat resolution is 0.1 °C, and the sensor has an error of 0.5% in any section;

    • Probe drift: <±10 μm/30 mins;

    • Better leakage rate than: 1.3x10-10 Pa.m3/s ultimate vacuum to 5*10-4 Pa (configured with 250L/s molecular pump);

    • Leakage accuracy up to 100FA


    (Photo taken at the School of Microelectronics, National University of Singapore)

    The CG-C-2 vacuum high and low temperature closed cycle probe station used in this delivery is equipped with a closed cycle chiller and a control unit. The chiller provides an ultra-low temperature environment (10K or even lower) without consuming liquid helium and liquid nitrogen, and is used with a high-precision thermometer to accurately control the temperature of the sample over the entire operating range, with simple operation and low maintenance costs. The chiller consists of a two-stage cold table, a first-stage cold table for cooling the heat-proof radiation screen around the sample, and a second-stage cold table for cooling the sample. The control unit integrates the integrated control cabinet of molecular pump, mechanical pump, display and control unit, which is convenient for operation and maintenance, compact structure and small footprint.


    Chuck extreme low temperature up to 7.3K


    (Photo of the operation process of the temperature control table, A channel is the sample table temperature, B is the shielding chamber temperature, C is the secondary cold head temperature, D is the probe arm temperature)


    Another H6 integrated probe station used in this delivery is equipped with a triple rate microscope independently developed by our company, which meets the actual needs of the market: the imaging effect of three magnifications can be observed in the image, without lens switching and magnification switching, and the presentation of the 3 magnifications meets the vast majority of samples in the wafer and the laboratory, with high compatibility, and also improves the efficiency of each test item, adding a highlight feature to the equipment.

    SEMISHARE H Series probe stations have excellent mechanical systems, structural stability, ergonomics, and many upgrade features. SEMISHARE's pneumatic chuck movement technology meets customers' needs for efficient testing of whole wafers, and the machine can also be loaded with probe card testing.


    If you want to know more about our probe station products, welcome to contact us

    Tel: 0755-2690 6952
    Address: Shenzhen Baoan District Hanyu Bay District Innovation Harbor Building 4 3 floors
    Official website: www.semishare.com
    Email: sales@semishare.com

    Show Preview

    2022.6.29-7.1, SEMISHARE will attend the Global Semiconductor Industry (Chongqing) Expo, Address: Chongqing International Expo Center. Our booth number: Hall S1 - A22.

    2022.7.5-7.7, SEMISHARE will attend the 4th Shenzhen International Semiconductor Exhibition, Address: Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center (Baoan New Pavilion). Our booth number: Hall 12, 4A013.

    We look forward to your visit and face-to-face communication and discussion with our engineers!


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