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Sail 2020|SEMISHARE 2020 Corporate Annual Conference and New Year's Day Party ended successfully

Release time:2020-08-26Source: SEMISHARE

Years such as song, time flies, it seems that the New Year is coming!On December 30th, the annual company annual meeting and New Year's Day welcome party were held as scheduled. All shareholders, suppliers, customers and employees of SEMISHARE gathered together to continue the Development blueprint of SEMISHARE 2020.

The party in the opening two host ebullient officially kicked off, bright is dazzing light, colorful stage, food and wine, the applause and cheers, and was moved with passion in this day and spurt, everyone's face is permeated with happiness and joy, let's review those wonderful at the party

Look for new stories and show the future

First of all, President Liu, the general manager of the company, took the stage to deliver a speech. He affirmed the achievements of the company in 2019, thanked all the employees for their hard work in this year, and made a plan and prospect for 2020.New starting point and new goal. Under the leadership of General Manager Liu, all the staff read out the company's mission and vision in unison, and all of us witnessed and started the journey of SEMISHARE Technology in the next decade.

Our mission: To help China make its own leading chips.

Our vision: to be the world's best semiconductor test equipment supplier.
Our values: excellent innovation, value sharing.

Encourage the advanced to commend outstanding

Table is advanced, the behavior, also this year to make outstanding contributions to the company's employees give the table and encouragement, and Yang company adhering to the good faith share learning corporate culture of the spirit of excellence, attention to talent development, reserve talent, actively encourage good employees, create broad employment environment for staff development, particularly at the meeting to get good results in 2019 a number of staff give commend and award winners have outstanding outstanding employees;Have the manager who leads the team to achieve excellent performance;Have unity and cooperation to create an excellent team.

Excellent Employee of 2019

The most diligent employee
Sales champion
Good manager
Good team

Singing and dancing show style, passion to welcome the New Year

Versatile colleagues have been performing on the stage, the wonderful program constantly, the audience enthusiastic wonderful artistic performance from the bottom of the heart of Thanksgiving and blessing melodic happy songs and jokes woven into a beautiful and happy picture scroll interspersed with exciting lucky draw activities is the atmosphere of the annual meeting again and again to the climax.

Recalling ten eventful years, we will show our new beauty in today's Yu Sheng. We will take wine as ink and say goodbye to 2019 and 2020. In the New Year of 2020, we will set sail together and brave the wind and waves.At this time, we would like to share with you the joy and expectation of the New Year. Let's work hand in hand to forge ahead toward higher and farther goals and write a new chapter of SEMISHARE's future.

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