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SEMISHARE Technology: Accelerate innovation, professional research, the dark horse of the industry full force

Release time:2020-08-27Source: SEMISHARE


The development status of China's semiconductor industry

As the world's largest semiconductor consumer market, China's semiconductor industry emerged in recent years, as the big data, artificial intelligence, automotive electronics, virtual reality, Internet of things, the rise of emerging industries such as 5 g commercial semiconductor application scenario for the expanding and growing market demand, semiconductors have become a high value-added, high-tech industries in the 21st century.

The semiconductor market is divided into integrated circuits, photoelectric devices, sensors and discrete components. Integrated circuits are the most important products in the global semiconductor market at present, occupying more than 80% of the market share. It is pointed out in the Outline for promoting the Development of the National Integrated Circuit Industry that by 2020, the gap between the integrated circuit industry and the international advanced level will be gradually narrowed, sales revenue of the whole industry will grow at an average annual rate of more than 20%, and the sustainable development capacity of enterprises will be greatly enhanced. Integrated circuit design technologies in key areas such as mobile intelligent terminals, network communications, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and big data have reached the international leading level, and an industrial ecosystem has taken shape.


China's semiconductor equipment industry market size

According to SEMI data analysis report, global semiconductor equipment sales increased from us $31.8 billion in 2013 to US $64.5 billion in 2018, with a cAGR of about 15.2%. In the first quarter of 2019 and 2020, the growth rate was reduced due to the global epidemic. It is expected that the growth will resume after the epidemic. Among them, the global sales volume in 2019 was us $52.12 billion, and the sales volume in China reached US $8.69 billion, making it the only semiconductor material country in the world showing a market growth trend in 2019. The sales volume ranks the third in the world, and is expected to recover to US $10 billion in 2021 and 2022.

Due to technical threshold is high, in the past, the global semiconductor market mainly concentrated in America, Japan, China's semiconductor industry rate is low, in recent years in domestic 5 g, emerging industries such as artificial intelligence and global trade friction under the background of science and technology, the domestic semiconductor industry demand rising, China's semiconductor industry develops, the semiconductor industry localization rate will become the inevitable trend in the future. Under the strong support of independent and controllable development strategy and national policies, the size of China's semiconductor equipment market in 2019 is about 92.351 billion yuan, of which the size of semiconductor testing equipment market is about 6.743 billion yuan, and it is expected that the size of testing equipment in 2022 will reach 10.322 billion yuan.


Independent science and technology, leading China

Based on the above data analysis, the trend of large-scale development of China's semiconductor industry in the future is unstoppable. At the same time, the rise of domestic manufacture technology has become a inevitable, as China's semiconductor testing equipment industry in the emerging market, society, science and technology co., LTD. Shenzhen sen's overall performance is particularly impressive, review the past two years, SEMISHARE science and technology, with its innovative technology advantage and market share quickly stand out, as the industry a bright black horse, with enthusiasm! The company independent research and development production, laser wafer prober repair machine has gained many national patents, products with simple operation, stable operation and rapid detection, data accuracy, such as excellent product performance, has been applied to more than 1000 customers around the world, the service of the domestic semiconductor research and development in the top 100 institutions in more than 80% of customers to our cooperation.

Future-oriented, SEMISHARE comprehensive power, China's semiconductor test equipment introduced in Japan and South Korea and Italy, the industry's top technical experts around the world, formed a doctor, master, senior engineer and so on more than 70 people in the high-end professional r&d team, set up thousand level research and test center, continue to accelerate innovation, to attack difficult technical barriers. At the same time, the company has established a nationwide marketing service system, set up branches in Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi 'an and Hong Kong, and established long-term and stable cooperation with many famous scientific research institutions around the world, making full efforts to build a benchmark model in the field of semiconductor testing equipment in China. Accelerate innovation, focus on research, continue the industry, lead the rapid development of China's semiconductor testing equipment industry, to provide better product solutions and technical services for global customers, SEMISHARE technology to create extraordinary technology!

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